06 September 2007

Happy Birth Day!

Today is the anniversary of my birth, just 36 short/long years ago (depends on how I'm feeling at the moment you ask...)

Jason and I were going to go to see an O's game tonight, but something much more important came to fruition...


We finally got the go-ahead to settle on the townhouse...only after waiting 2 months for the mortgage company to get their act together. We are finally the proud owners of only 1 home!!! We did have to travel to Rockville to settle, but the irony of the whole situation is that we settled at my (dad's) cousin's title company...kind of weird and strange at the same time. Something else just popped into my mind...would that be misconstrued as a conflict of interest??? We had no clue that it was her business until we were there. Hmmm...just more to ponder when I've got a spare moment.

After the paperwork was finished, we had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, but had no cheesecake since I'm really not supposed to have that kind of stuff. It was nice to eat somewhere different for a change.

We came home, talked to all the parents and opened one present that was waiting from my Secret Pal...I'll post pics soon (tomorrow, maybe?!)


Anonymous said...

Wow! It DID manage to arrive ON your special day! Congrats!

Cindy/Snid said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday again sis.

Congrats on getting the townhouse sold finally yeah.